Soul. Power. anniann.

"Welcome to! My name is Ann Christiansen, and on this site I’d like to introduce you to something unique: Nia – a form of fusion fitness that combines elements of martial arts, dance and relaxation techniques, and touches body, mind and soul"

Soul. Power. annimejt.

"Welcome to! My name is Ann Christiansen and on this website I want to introduce you to something very special: Nia - A form of fusion fitness that combines elements of martial arts, dance and relaxation techniques and touches body, mind and soul."

Soul. Power. Ann.

Anniann brings Nia to life, but who is it that brings life to Anniann? Find out more about the woman behind Anniann.

More Info Here!


Three significant factors from my years in the world of competitive sport have helped shape what I bring to my approach today:

I am what I do: I am very fortunate to practise a craft that brings so much JOY & FULFILMENT. For me, this joy and fulfilment are inseparable from my calling.

Alongside this, I have always aimed for PROFESSIONALISM, something that has roots in my past as a high-performance athlete.

Most significant, however, is this third aspect, a realisation that has solidified through 20 years of experience: both of these factors can be integrated into my approach to work synergistically. Only through this integration have I been able to fulfil my desire to create something that fosters the capacity for deep JOY and FULFILMENT, but remains SUSTAINABLE.


In the coming months and years, my intention is to make this professional approach available to you as well, step by step. You can think of anniann as an “Ann-tested” quality seal based on direct experience that you can now draw on.

With anniann, we’re pleased to have laid a FIRST TECHNICAL FOUNDATION STONE for this. We are committed to supporting you so that you too can follow your calling in ways that are both joyful and fulfilling. We want to offer you the harvest of ANN’S IN-DEPTH EXPERIENCE so you can focus on your own uniquely creative life.

Welcome. Here’s to a fruitful future together.


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