Nia and martial arts

Under martial arts we understand various different fighting styles which consider the body as an extension of the spirit so that training is seen as a development of the mind through the body (and vice versa).

Nia and martial arts

Under martial arts we understand various different fighting styles which consider the body as an extension of the spirit so that training is seen as a development of the mind through the body (and vice versa).

Nia and martial arts

Under martial arts we understand various different fighting styles which consider the body as an extension of the spirit so that training is seen as a development of the mind through the body (and vice versa).


A lot of people who practise Nia view it not simply as exercise but as a way of life – a form of movement training to experience greater body awareness, joy in life and physical and mental fitness. This attitude has a lot in common with martial arts. The training system, with a graded belt system, is also similar. Like martial arts, Nia, in general, focuses holistically on the body, mind and soul. The classes themselves also have things in common: with segments based on tae kwon do movements including lots of precise, powerful punches and kicks, plus elements derived from the circular, flowing moves of aikido and slow tai chi, you will experience movements and techniques with which you are very familiar and that are an integral part of your everyday training – in a much more playful context.


As a martial arts devotee you will experience a new range of movements thanks to the rapid alternation of moves rooted in yin and yang energy. The differing qualities of movement are extremely effective in training speed, flexibility and the ability to react. In addition to this, Nia will also train your senses, your vigilance and your command of your body: the differing qualities of movements and the levels of intensity will improve your awareness of your self, your body and your surroundings. A range of choreographed movements will improve your sense of balance and your coordination skills.


Whether you are involved in a traditional martial art such as karate or do workouts incorporating martial arts at the gym (e.g. taebo) – Nia is the perfect supplementary training. You will already be familiar with the kicks and punches. These are complemented by dance-based choreography which allows you to develop your emotional expression and experience a new level of self-confidence. You’ll also train your feel for rhythm, affecting your flow and suppleness in form training or fight choreography patterns in your own discipline. The whole-body training segments on the floor are an excellent opportunity for you to further develop the athletic abilities you already have.