The first Nia fans successfully completed their training in the Corona summer. Of course it’s different, but I can also say from the bottom of my heart that it feels so good to dance with Nia fans again.
On my website I have summarized the most important rules and changes for the belt weeks with me.
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I have been teaching Nia online for almost half a year now. An exciting time! To take your wishes and needs into account in our planning we created a short survey. Thank you for your time and support!

The WorldWideWeb makes it possible: from autumn 2020 you can experience your whitebelt, greenbelt, bluebelt, brownbelt and blackbelt online with me. The online offer includes 16 weeks of interactive Nia training with participants from all over the world. The online course will allow you to stay in the safety, convenience and privacy of your home, while receiving the life-changing somatic lessons of Nia!

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Two months of Nia Intensive trainings behind us. Many have waited a long time for this Nia belt week and I was really a little bit nervous. In my block article I have collected my learning moments and experiences for you.

Have fun while reading!